Monday, January 31, 2005
Sunday, January 30, 2005
The Tyranny of Structurelessness
For those groups which cannot find a local project to devote themselves to, the mere act of staying together becomes the reason for their staying together. When a group has no specific task (and consciousness raising is a task), the people in it turn their energies to controlling others in the group. This is not done so much out of a malicious desire to manipulate others (though sometimes it is) as out of lack of anything better to do with their talents. Able people with time on their hands and a need to justify their coming together put their efforts into personal control, and spend their time criticizing the personalities of the other members in the group. Infighting and personal power games rule the day. When a group is involved in a task, people learn to get along with others as they are and to subsume dislikes for the sake of the larger goals. There are limits placed on the compulsion to remold every person into our image of what they should be.
The Sexual Network Of An Entire High School
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Guide to Public Restrooms
(I had a friend in college whose mother wanted to write a coffee table book about restrooms she'd used; photos of graffiti, nice architecture, odd conversations overheard, etc. I remember it every time I visit one in a restaurant. In bus stations, I'm too busy running to remember it.)
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
"The Flyer" in St. Croix.

I thought of it because, well, the weather sucks right now. I took this boat on a trip to the Buck Island reefs off the coast of St. Croix. I was sitting on the deck (there's no room below for anything except our bags and the lifejackets) and some other sarcastic passengers from MA (natch) started asking questions about the construction, which looked a bit homegrown. ("What are we doing, like 2 knots?" And that was with the wind behind us.)
The Flyer been hand-built from a DIY kit by a doctor in France. The mast was in the wrong spot and it had difficulty sailing into the wind. Monsieur Le Medecin Bad Boat Builder got transferred to the Caribbean and didn't want to leave his little project behind, so he convinced 10(!) friends(!) of his to sail(!) it across the Atlantic for him(!), without any motor. We blanched at the idea of storing enough food for 10, let alone where they would all have slept and with sailing into the wind being a distinct possibility as you head west from France. Apparently it was a brutal trip, they ran out of food, and took way longer than expected. I don't know if any of them are still friends, or if anyone got eaten on the trip.
A few years later, he was transferred back to France. He left it behind this time. "La Vache" was probably the French name, although that detail is sadly gone from the story. It really would have made it perfect for me.
Monday, January 24, 2005
The "Medium" Psychic
Dead Microbiologist roll-call
Steve Quayle's list with pics and method of death: Dead Scientists; and another page of Quayle's with news clippings on the same.
Sunday, January 23, 2005
LED floodlights
Saturday, January 22, 2005
Aliens, Global Warming, and Climatologists
The comment thread is, for the most part, intelligent and points to more evidence and counter-evidence. In it, I hit this: Crichton's Caltech Michelin Lecture, aka "Aliens Cause Global Warming." He lambasts scientist for being Bad for making public appearances intended to sway policy-making and mixing specious conclusions in with Things That Can Be Proven and Are Therefore Appropriately Scientific. Yeah, ok, in many respects he's probably right to offer the reminders; but he's a poor social scientist himself to overlook the role of peer networks in doing research (and don't forget even peer review can allow bad results to get published!), the necessity of relying on second hand reports to keep oneself informed, and the lack of time a scientist has to prove everything from first principles for her own satisfaction or otherwise keep mum about it.
20 Questions: "Does it exist in another dimension?"
Uncommon Knowledge about a lemon:
Does it bring joy to people? I say No.
Can it affect you(cause an effect to you)? I say Yes.
Does it have keys? I say Yes.
Is it a part of something larger? I say Probably.
Does it have buttons? I say Probably.
Is it tapered? I say Yes.
Does it have good vision? I say Probably.
Does it spin? I say Yes.
Do people own it as a pet? I say Yes.
Is it lumpy? I say Probably.
Does it have paws? I say Probably.
Is it found in salad bars? I say Yes.
Does it exist in other dimensions? I say Yes.
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Wristwatch of the Future
Complexity in Design 2005
For example, mechanical engineers must develop products that go faster, require less maintenance, use less raw materials than ever before. These demands are compounded by the increasing emphasis on mathematical modelling and simulation rather than destructive testing. Similarly, software engineers are being asked to develop systems that interact with these devices and with human operators. Increasingly the demands of developing safety-critical systems are being exacerbated by the need to produce `band-aid' software that addresses known problems in the underlying mechanical and materials engineering or that addresses underlying human factors problems in the usability of an application.
For instance, re-use simplifies many aspects of complex systems design. These techniques also carry important overheads; it can be hard to ensure that an implementation satisfies the intended requirements within its new context of use. This applies to software engineering just as it does to mechanical engineering. These comments may also, arguably, be applied to the reuse of design processes and teams. Similarly, risk assessment has been used to guide the development of many previous generations of complex systems. However, the increasing integration of large scale application processes and the inter-disciplinary nature of many engineering endeavours makes it hard to sustain this approach from individual component reliability up to the `systems' level.
Monday, January 17, 2005
2 Lists of Books
And then there's the doomed-to-failure-but-always-interesting attempt to list Mathematical Fiction, fiction with mathematical themes. It reminded me of the existence of group theory, and why I don't date a mathematician anymore. (Er, just kidding.)
Both links off Neat New Stuff.
Being French in America: Bridging Oceans of Differences
Here's a very interesting article by a French consultant who lives in the States and writes about cross-cultural workplace issues. I'm not sure it's capturing exactly what I experienced, in terms of how I understand the cultural differences I saw, but it's valuable for me to see a French experience on the issues. I especially appreciated the section on "Feedback and Self-Esteem." See Life in America: an International Perspective.
Gigapxl again: Balboa Park Reflecting Pool
Which makes me muse on privacy assumptions again as these cameras get even better -- most of us don't walk around assuming we're being monitored by hi res spy cameras or listening devices (at least those of us who aren't crypto-paranoids), and so we don't worry that the guy 2 miles away with a big camera is about to capture in living, crisp color the fact that we were sitting on a bench with a strange blonde woman who is not our wife, smoking a cigarette after we said we'd quit. Not to mention that we were caught wearing bad Oakley sunglasses and male pedalpushers at the same time.
I'm just pointing it out.
Petroglyphs of Newspaper Rock
This single rock in Utah has enough detail to last me for months, in a very high resolution picture. Look at the 1% zoom and see how crisp it is! From Roy's Blog: Newspaper Rock on Gigapixl Project.
Sunday, January 16, 2005
The Eclipse Project
Thanks to Erik for being excited at me about it.
Robot Quilts
Check out Kathy Weaver - fiber and mixed media artist. She also has some "political" quilts featuring automatic weapons, which I recommend less for household use.
Saturday, January 15, 2005
How does a 8-day stay in a picturesque village in the mountains of Spain sound? And how does it sound if you add in free room and board, and interesting company? These aren't trick questions – this is the deal offered by Vaughan Systems, a language school with offices in Madrid, Barcelona and Granada which specialises in helping professionals whose first language is Spanish to improve their conversational English by isolating them in said village for 8 days with a group of English speakers.The Spanish speakers pay, the English speakers stay free – they just have to live up to their name and speak English to the Spanish speakers, morning, noon, and night, through meals, excursions and dedicated “talking time”.
Check out Vaughan Village, their website. I seem to be unacceptable, since I have had some minor experience teaching ESOL when I was in college.
Thursday, January 13, 2005
The Rotundus Rolling Robot
Nils Hulth of Rotundus AB in Sweden writes, "I do not know if you are interested in our novel robot design - a ball-shaped robot. Currently we are looking for uses for this robot apart from surveillance and inspection. Maybe one of your readers might have an idea?" The Rotundus robot looks like a large, black bowling ball.
The videos and stills on the product page are entertainingly weird. Don't miss the arty photo of the ball sitting by a fence in the snow.
So what can you do with a rolling ball robot? I can think of a few things really fast: put double stick tape all over it and use it to clean your floors (compete with roomba?), cheat at boules/bowling with it, paint it like a jackolantern and scare kids on Halloween (chase them off your porch in Legend of Sleepy Hollow flying head style!), confuse your cats/dog/bird/rabbit, play a really surprising soccer game with it, crush spiders and ants in your yard and house, roll it uphill and convince paranormal investigators they're looking at another magnetic magic hill, kick it around all by yourself and just tell it to come back by itself, scare home invaders away (with appropriate sensors and menacing sound effects), polish it and take pictures of it in the snow.
Because I'm convinced by my domestic terror use cases and want one of these myself, I one-click-ordered Robot Building for Dummies today.
big heads
Watchr and Watcher: watching RSS feeds for pics
Cool concept, although I haven't tried them myself yet.
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Howard Zinn & Noam Chomsky: LOTR Commentary
Zinn: You view the conflict as being primarily about pipe-weed, do you not?
Chomsky: Well, what we see here, in Hobbiton, farmers tilling crops. The thing to remember is that the crop they are tilling is, in fact, pipe-weed, an addictive drug transported and sold throughout Middle Earth for great profit. ...
Zinn: Well, you know, it would be manifestly difficult to believe in magic rings unless everyone was high on pipe-weed. So it is in Gandalf's interest to keep Middle Earth hooked.
Tuesday, January 11, 2005

WebCams of the World, united!
The US ones were mostly offices and roads, how interesting (not).
Monday, January 10, 2005
Rorschach Audio: EVP
They pointed out that the voices sometimes sounded like snatches of conversation from foreign radio stations picked up by Raudive's tape recorder. One researcher found that one of the most impressive "voice texts" appeared to be a burst of 37 German words from an Easter Sunday radio broadcast. ...
Psychologists quickly recognised EVP – sometimes referred to as "Rorschach audio", after the test in which subjects read their own interpretation of inkblot images – as just another example of the brain's penchant for making sense even of the patently senseless.
Known as pareidolia, it lies behind such bizarre claims as the decade-old toasted cheese sandwich said to bear an image of the Virgin Mary, which sold for $28,000 on eBay in November. In its search for order, the brain simply cajoles random patterns into making sense – sometimes at the price of rationality.
Linguists have done experiments on the brain's "categorical" perception of indistinct sounds for decades. This phenomemon is one of the foundations of modern phonetic theory; based on your learned language's sound system, your brain is more likely to "hear" sounds that fit into the phonetic and phonological rules you've internalized. It will do work to make noise fit into those sound categories.
Sunday, January 09, 2005
TiVo's new announcements
Saturday, January 08, 2005
Human Universals
Friday, January 07, 2005
The Templars in Hertfordshire and Mary Magdalene in France
"He explains that there is a stained-glass window in St Andrew's Church, just down the street, that contains a clear metaphorical allusion to the Holy Grail, and a cryptic hint that it might be hidden in Hertford. In the picture, Acheson adds, Jesus and Mary Magdalene are looking at each other 'in a very meaningful way'. (Later, I find the window, interrupting local parishioners who are decorating the church for Christmas. I think I can see what Acheson means about Jesus's expression, although mainly he just looks a bit depressed.)"
While on the topic of Mary and folklore about her, France is littered with stained glass showing her in Provence, where she is believed to have taught and lived post-Jesus. Here's a window from Chartres.
Sunday, January 02, 2005
Clay Food. You too can etc.
"She starts with the bakery and deli stall (tarts, breakds, cakes, salami, pork pies and cheeses) to meat stalls (bacom, chops, poultry, beef...sausages) to fruit and veges (from potatoes to cucumbers with transluscent seeds to grapes), the fish stall and market display items."
"I made the cutest crab tonight."
What is roadfood? Great regional meals along highways, in small towns and in city neighborhoods. It is sleeves-up food made by cooks, bakers, pitmasters, and sandwich-makers who are America’s culinary folk artists. Roadfood is almost always informal and inexpensive; and the best Roadfood restaurants are colorful places enjoyed by locals (and savvy travelers) for their character as well as their menu.
Saturday, January 01, 2005
The ESP Game: Labeling the Web
The ESP Game: Labeling the Web. (Again off Tom Coates' plasticbag.org, which I've just been catching up on.)
I haven't said "wow" to interactive art yet this year; what a nice way to start. (Gotten off plasticbag.org.)