Pavel is not only a Lisp hacker with mathematical talents, ex-PARC denizen, and founder of famous online community LambdaMOO, he's a gentleman who co-hosts an annual games party on New Year's that attracts an interesting crowd. I went once attached to one of his invitees, and it was more fun than I would have expected, being your typical uncompetitive, non-gamer who freezes under public performance pressure. His and other puzzles dotted the house, I recall. That was back in the hills of Palo Alto, before the more recent Seattle move! We are all getting old and moving too often.
If you like puzzles with interesting stories, go help Pavel retire from the Evil Seattle Empire and become the new rich!

Thanks for the plug, Lynn! I do expect to keep posting about everything I'm learning as I try this experiment in entrepreneurship. Boy, the things I could tell you about value for money in advertising...
Pavel, please do keep us posted... I would love to hear about the advertising lessons you're learning. Someday I'd like to do something similar!
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